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Healthy Community

Community health development is one of the main objectives of BCF. As we work towards improving the health of our community, we ensure the needs of our neighbors are being heard. Earlier this year we conducted a community needs assessment to determine the health issues that are the greatest priority within Bonsuoku to help guide our public health projects. Below you can read about our specific projects based on these findings.



Health education not only delivers knowledge to individuals within a community, but it can empower people to take control over their health. In combination with access to services and increased facilities, health education can be a starting step towards behavior change. We currently provide health education classes to the students in our Bright Futures Project.


Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) are vital parts to maintaining a healthy life. Access to clean drinking water, toilet facilities, and handwashing stations are key to preventing serious illness in the community. Diarrheal diseases are the second leading cause of death in children under five worldwide and can be prevented by safe WASH facilities. For just $16 you can provide a handwashing station to someone in the community!


With malaria being endemic in Ghana, it is a major cause of concern in Bonsuoku. Ghana is among 11 countries that account for 70% of the total cases of malaria worldwide. This disease is preventable and treatable so together with the health clinic we strive to reduce malaria cases and deaths within the community by providing prevention plans and treatment to all.


After conducting our community needs assessment and talking with key informants in the community, we quickly realized that there is a need for investing in women's and reproductive health with a special focus on adolescent girls in Bonsuoku. Recently, Bonsuoku has seen an increase in teenage pregnancy and girls expressed a need for sanitary and hygiene products.

For $10 you can provide a hygiene kit to a girl in our community!


There is currently one small clinic that serves the people of Bonsuoku and surrounding areas. While the clinic is able to provided treatment and services for most basic health issues, they are lacking a laboratory, enough patient rooms, and more advanced equipment. To properly serve the community, we hope to expand the clinic and provide more services for the people of Bonsuoku.



To kickoff our first fundraiser, we held a Hygiene Kit Drive for adolescent girls and women in Bonsuoku. These kits included sanitary pads, wipes, diapers, toothpaste and toothbrushes, and other related hygiene products. Thanks to our donors, we were able to purchase enough products to provide 70 kits to our community! These products were distributed in July to new mothers and adolescent girls during our Adolescent Empowerment Program.

One kit is just $10USD!

If you donate towards our Public Health & Healthcare Program, please indicate this is the program you are donating towards while making your donation.

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